11 April 2020

Anyone else find Red Dead Redemption 2 Boring?

Does anybody else find Red Dead Redemption 2 boring after fleeing from Valentine?

I was bored to tears traveling to far reaches of the map for simple fetch quests. They seemed so repetitive to the point of totally expecting what would happen next. Let's go into town for a quick shakedown or meet someone and get ambushed. Or meet someone and they will need a quick favor or a shootout and then come back.

I found myself holding lots of cash but nothing to upgrade or spend, about halfway through the quests. Legendary animals were the only thing outstanding, and I didn't see a large difference in their benefits.

I get that it takes place over a hundred years ago, but nothing needs to be painstakingly slow. Animations such as herb gathering, cooking meat on the fireplace, looting corpses, and traveling. Why do I need to go through the animations, or hold down E for a period of time, when games like Skyrim, have automatic actions. That's a major pain point for me.

RDR2 is pretty. The landscapes are really amazing to look at and the voice acting is on point. I was hooked on the first couple of missions, but it went downhill from there.

There is one scene that does stand out vividly. I was riding through the swamps to meet the animal photographer for a side quest, and came across a body that was hanging from the tree. I thought it was the photographer and unmounted. Out of nowhere three guys came out, under the mud, and attacked me. I thought they were zombies for sure, and it was a difficult fight. I did not expect that and it was quite the jump scare. Fun times. Right after that, I heard a girl crying, and the same attack happened. The swamp is a scary place.

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