Tools Needed:
- 14mm Socket TEKTON 3/8-Inch Drive Torque Wrench, 10-80 Feet Pound
- Torque Wrench (up to 32ft-lbs)
- Screwdriver
- Penetrating oil (if caliper bolts are seized)
Blaster 16-PB Penetrating Catalyst - 11 oz.
- Jack. I prefer 3 Ton Ultra Low Profile Steel Floor Jack with Rapid Pump Quick Lift
- Jack Stands. Torin 3 Ton Jack Stands (Sold in Pairs)
- Dust boots. Carlson Pin Boot Kit
- 2x Caliper slide pins and bolts. ACDelco Durastop Front Disc Brake Caliper Bolt
- Brake Grease. CRC Silaramic Brake System Grease - 5 oz.
- Loosen six 21mm lug nuts and place wheel chocks behind rear tires with Camco Wheel Chock - Pack of 2
or something to prevent vehicle from moving backwards
- Jack QX4 and place jack stands underneath car. Look at the owner's manual for jack points. Relieve jack pressure so the car is resting on the stands.
- Remove wheel and locate top and bottom caliper bolts circled below.
- Use 14mm socket and ratchet to remove old caliper bolts. Use penetrating oil on the bolts if seized.
- Remove brake piston and support with bungee cord or place something underneath. Supporting the piston is important because the brake lines will be damaged if left hanging. I rested the brake pistons on a plastic container.
- Pull caliper slide pins out. Moderate force may be necessary to remove pins. Gently tap with hammer and chisel if you cannot pull them out by hand. Old and rusted pins pictured below.
- Remove old dust boots from caliper carrier.
- Grease new slide pins with CRC Silaramic Brake System Grease - 5 oz.
- Place new dust boots over slide pins and install them in the caliper carrier.
- Reinstall brake piston and align holes over slide pins. You may need a C-Clamp to close the piston if brake pads were changed or if there is difficulty getting the piston over the brake pads.
- Install caliper bolts The ACDelco Professional Front Brake Caliper Bolt
s and OEM are 14mm. I believe the torque values are 32 ft-lbs.The picture below is from a Nissan service manual.
- Reinstall wheel and safely remove jack stands, jack, and other equipment.
Removal and installation is straightforward and simple, however this job can be very difficult if caliper bolt and pin are seized. There are Youtube tutorials available if the bolt and pin are seized.
Remember to use silicone grease on the slide pins.
Take all the necessary safety precautions and if you feel unsafe bring your car to the dealership or independent mechanic.
Does the pin with the rubber sleeve on its end go in the top hole or the bottom hole?