23 February 2018

Iris von Everc

Wow. That missing in Heart of Stone is so well done and creepy.

Leading up to the caretaker and walking into the house as Iris says 'begone'. I was also unsettled when Geralt walks upstairs and Iris pops out of the painting.

Well done CD Projekt Red.

20 February 2018

Stoner Invisible Glass Cleaner - Not A Great Deal on Amazon

Amazon sells Insivible Glass Cleaner, 22 oz, 6 pack around ~$27.
  • $4.50 per 22 oz bottle
  • Each ounce costs $0.21

The 32 oz 6 bottle pack is ~$30 on Amazon.
  • $5.00 per 32 oz bottle
  • Each ounce costs $0.16

Assuming you have Prime and get 5% back using the Visa card, the price becomes $25.65 for the 22 ounce pack, and $28.50 for the 32 ounces. That doesn't include sales tax, if applicable. 

Home Depot is selling one 32 ounce, Invisible Glass bottle at $3.97. Six of those will cost $23.82 before taxes. You could factor gas, vehicle, and credit card cash back rewards, but Home Depot still beats Amazon. Especially when comparing their 32 ounce price versus 22 ounces sold on Amazon. 

If you prefer Hope's Perfect Glass, Amazon is selling their 32 ounce automotive version for a staggering $15.52. That is $0.49 per ounce! The regular 32 ounce glass cleaner is going for $7.60. 
Home Depot is selling the exact same 32 ounce bottle for $3.97.

You may have been a good deal Amazon, but buying local is so much cheaper. 

19 February 2018

How to stop wall anchors from spinning and rotating

Trying to get a wall anchor from spinning while installing a screw is frustrating but I found a solution.

Sometimes the plastic anchor is too long and will not go all the way into the wall. Using dykes to cut off the end allows the anchor to embed itself and be flush with the wall. 

If the anchor still spins, use superglue on the threads and part of the anchor that sticks into the wall. This will prevent the anchor from rotating while you install the screw. 

I tried this technique and it worked after installing rods into the wall to hang curtains. I was extremely frustrated with anchors not going all the way in and churning up my drywall. I tried to hold the anchor still with tools while installing the screw, but ultimately superglue works the best. 

07 February 2018

Ring Doorbell Review - It Sucks

Oh Ring doorbell, how I hate you.

It's a clever idea and sounds amazing on paper being able see and speak to people at your door while you are away. However, the Ring sucks. Badly.

I have gone through two Ring doorbells and both have lots of problems.

Wi-Fi is always dropped and I have to take it apart and reinitialize it to our router. Our router is two five feet away from Ring and we have super fast internet. If Wi-Fi is working, it takes forever for the app to load what the camera is showing and the person ringing your doorbell has already walked away.

Ring doesn't know if it's bright or dark outside and will alternate between night vision and regular mode. Open the app during daytime and it's blinding because Ring is using night vision and you can't toggle between the two. Someone rings your doorbell at night and you can't see anything because Ring is stuck in daytime mode.

The App is atrocious. Absolutely terrible. They constantly update the app but the only major feature added is advertisements and get money for referring friends crap.

Freezes a lot and doesn't know what to do. App or doorbell freezes and doesn't know what to do so you can't connect and see who is at the door. Ring freaks out at Halloween and will reset it's configuration. A blue light will circle the button until you take it off and do a hard reset.

Costs money to record after a free month trial. Not worth it, reason below.

Camera and audio is terrible. Unless somebody is standing right in front of the camera you will not be able to make out anything more than a few feet. Past that range and everything is really blurry and you can't make out a license plate or anything. The audio is terrible with lots of echoing and static. With poor audio visual why would I want to spend money on recording something that is terrible?

Costs more than a single Google Nest Camera with poorer capabilities and video. So what am I really getting? I hope Ring can really step it up and improve their product and app because I can't recommend their doorbell to anyone. I hope their are more competitors will better products coming because it's overpriced crap.

03 February 2018

Weird Witcher 3 Bug - Unable to Save or Move

I was unable to save or move after completing the Possession quest. I tried reloading from an earlier checkpoint but it was still bugged after completing the quest. 

Enemy NPCs won't ignore me and I wasn't able to attack them. The only way I could get around but jumping and using WASD. 

The solution to fix the bug is to find a marker and move to a different map and meditate for several hours. You should be able to save and normally move now.