-10mm socket and ratchet
-Phillips screwdriver
Remove the two Phillips screws holding the fog light molding. Circled in red below.
There is a single 10mm bolt that holds the fog light assembly to the car. I suggest using a deep well 10mm socket or extensions to get to the bolt. The other side of the fog light assembly has two plastic tabs that insert into the bumper.
The bolt threads had a lot of rust so I recommend using PB Penetrating Catalyst
The picture below shows the back of the fog light assembly.
The red circle highlights the turning signal bulb. To access the bulb, simply turn counter-clockwise and the bulb will be attached. Be careful not to touch the bulb with your bare hands.
The blue circle highlights the fog light bulb. Turn it clockwise to access.
The fog light is held into place by two metal braces and the wiring is attached to the back of the cap.
Detach the wire from the back of the cap.
Remove the two metal braces by pushing them down and away on each side.
You can now install the new fog light bulb. One side is squared and the opposite is half circle so there is only one way to insert the bulb into the assembly. I bought Intella Halogen H3 Bulb 55W
Install by pushing the metal braces around the bulb.
Attach the wire to the cap.
Put the cap back on and turn clockwise to tighten.
Insert fog light assembly back into bumper with the Permatex Anti-Seize Lubricant with Brush Top Bottle
Attach the plastic molding and two Phillips screws on the top and bottom.
Wear gloves when handling the bulbs. If you touch them with your bare hands use some rubbing alcohol and remove clean them. The grease from your hands creates a hot spot on the bulb and they will explode when you use the lights.
Permatex Dielectric Tune-Up Grease
I used dielectric grease on the electrical connectors because they are so low to the ground and get a lot of moisture. The grease will prevent moisture from getting into the connectors and causing problems.