04 March 2018

Window insulation film is worth it

Yes, window insulation film is absolutely worth it when it comes to saving money on electricity bills and home comfort.

I have seen many questions from home owners asking if insulating your windows with film works. It does. The difference is noticeable after the film is installed and it's not as drafty or cold in the winter. I have saved hundreds of dollars each year in utility bills due to this simple and easy solution.

Add blinds and heavy curtains for even more insulation and savings. All that material and dead air increases the R value and reduces the hot or cold air entering the rooms. After installing, put your hand where the insulation film is and feel how cold that air is. Without the curtains and film that cold air would be circulating around your house.

One caveat is film only minimizes the amount of loss. It's not a silver bullet. I have seen some reviewers that are disappointed with the film, but they don't recognize that it doesn't keep your room warm without heating in the Winter. It only reduces the amount of times you have to use your furnace and helps stabilize room temperature.

Installing insulating film is easy.
  • Measure your window and add 1 inch to the dimensions.
  • Cut the film to the measured dimensions
  • Place double sided tape around window frame
  • Install film and use hairdryer to shrink fit to window
3M sells a kit for patio doors and regular sized windows, but I think the duck brand works best if you are trying to cover up huge windows. 

I personally went with Duck Brand and I am very happy. There is plenty of double sided tape and lots of material. It's fairly forgiving to use and the only thing I recommend is having the film be tight, otherwise there will be excess material. 

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