17 November 2018

Low MPG on E39 530i. DISA Valve?

I am getting around 15 - 16 mpg on my E39 530i with almost all city driving. Fuel economy has dropped almost 3 MPG over the last few months.

I noticed the car is running rich, with a heavy gas smell on start up. No check engine lights are on, so I am wondering if it's the DISA valve.

I swapped out the old DISA valve with an off-brand bought on Amazon. The build quality is similar to OEM, and the price almost identical to rebuild kits. I will report on the new DISA, as time goes on. Hopefully, my low MPGs are resolved.

I could tell an immediate improvement and idle. It also seemed like the 530i has more power, and isn't downshifting as much.

I figured my DISA was failing due to the rattling noise around 3500 rpm. I took removed the old DISA and there were no missing or broken parts, and the seal looked fine. I changed it out anyways.

Here are the things I have changed, that could change MPGs:
  • OEM spark plugs
  • Brand new valve cover gasket and seal
  • Air filter
  • VANOS seals
  • Pre-Cat 02 sensors
  • Intake and Exhaust VANOS sensors
  • Pulleys, tensioners, and accessory belts
  • Cleaned MAF, throttle body, and ICV
  • Fuel Filter
  • Oil changed every 5,000 miles
  • Upper and lower intake boots
  • All vacuum lines 
The other items that need to be changed:
  • CCV
  • Post Cat sensors
  • Throttle body gasket
  • Coils
  • MAF
  • Injectors and o-rings
  • Intake manifold gaskets
I can't think of anything else. Does the fuel pump affect MPG?

09 June 2018

Leatherique Rejuvenator and Prestine Clean = Unicorn Tears

Leatherique Rejuvenator and Prestine Clean is the greatest leather conditioner and cleaner for automobiles, period. I have received many compliments on how well the leather looks and smells on my older vehicles due to Leatherique.

Leatherique leaves leather feeling supple and buttery smooth. It brings back the original smell of the leather and deep cleans all the built up dirt and grime. I am always amazed how dry, cardboard feeling leather can turned into soft and silky suppleness after one application. Be aware creases and cracks will not be removed by Leatherique, those need to be filled and dyed.

There are downsides to Leatherique:
  • Suggested application is letting seats sit in Sun for 24 hours after being applied with Rejuvenator oil. This is difficult in colder months or if you don't have time to let your car sit for a day. 
  • Pricing is ridiculous at ~$1 to $2 an ounce. It's great stuff, but it goes super fast and its expensive treating a large SUV. 
  • Can ruin King Ranch leather. Check for compatibility. 
  • Using Prestine Clean to remove the oils is a process. Requires going over several times with Prestine and wet rags to remove all the gunk and goo. 
Luckily there are workarounds. 
  • Only use Prestine Clean and skip Rejuvenator oil. If your car is brand new or leather is in excellent condition, consider skipping Rejuvenator oil and using Prestine Clean for maintenance. 
  • Prestine Clean is excellent by itself and can be used for door seals and rubber. It's much cheaper than Rejuvenator oil and doesn't require Summer Sun. 
There are the Pros and Cons. To me its worth it to have the soft, great smelling, and clean leather Leatherique provides. Sure, there are plenty of YouTube videos on 50/50 leather seat shots, but I am willing to bet none of them come close to the smell and softness.

For regular maintenance cleanings and conditioning I use Lexol or Leather Masters.

Toyota 4Runner 5th Gen Brakes Are Terrible

I know the 5th Gen 4Runner is around 4,800 lbs and a body-on-frame layout, but can we get better braking modulation and stopping power?

Linear braking response is foreign to the 4Runner. You begin to press the brake pedal to come to a stop and there is hardly any braking. You press past the midway point and it's full on nose-dive braking. It's incredibly annoying to drive and for passengers to experience.

Yes, nose-diving when coming to a stop is a trait known to the 5th Gen. I assume it's do to its weird suspension layout of double wishbone in the front and live-axle in the rear. 4Runner rear-ends sit a little higher in the back which makes nose diving worse.

There are lift-kits or leveling kits that reduce rake and prevent crazy nose-diving, but I chose a different method. I replaced the OEM rear brake pads with StopTech Street Performance pads. They bite a lot harder and keep the rear end from lifting too much. I noticed stopping distances are shorter, but the downside is they dust a lot and squeak when it's cold.

I believe OEM brake pads focus on low noise and dust which is why they are so poor. I haven't encountered brake fade or irregular wear during canyon or towing, just really bad performance. I have no other choice but to upgrade to big brake kits or replace the 4Runner. Braking was OK when the 4Runner was new, but after a couple of years of wear and several road trips the weakness is glaring.

I find myself braking extremely early and still crossing the intersection line. Stop and go, daily driving is pretty bad because I don't dare get up to speed. I find myself driving like an old grandma that does 10 mph below the speed limit due to laughable stopping distances. It's too bad and I don't think I will replace the 4Runner with another one. It can have the off-road performance and looks of a traditional SUV, but shouldn't have the atrocious brakes of one.

28 May 2018

Toyota 4Runner - KDSS Worth it?

KDSS is an absolutely must have and I can't imagine a 4Runner TRD Off Road without it.

Many people on forums ask if KDSS is necessary and what is the difference. I test drove a couple 4Runners with/without KDSS and the contrast is staggering. I highly recommend you test drive both for an extended period of time and get on the highway. Go over a few speed bumps or choppy pavement and notice the way the 4Runner handles.

Body roll without KDSS is almost unbearable while turning in an intersection or making large degree turns. With KDSS, body roll is still there but it's under control and comfortable for daily driving. Highway driving is much more tight and its noticeable that KDSS is working on interchanges or going through cloverleaf loops. The tires don't squeal as much and it doesn't feel like tipping over at the speed limit.

Bad pavement choppiness and movement is minimized and doesn't beat you up. It's still a stiff and truck like ride with the 4Runner's body on frame and live rear axle, but it's more livable with KDSS. Unfortunately, the nosediving during breaking is still there with all suspension setups.

I test drove a 4Runner Limited with X-REAS for a short time and didn't notice any large differences with KDSS 4Runners.

There are some issues with KDSS:
  • TRD Pro skid plate needs some fabrication to fit due to KDSS system
  • If it breaks, it will be expensive to fix
  • May not work with large lifts or suspension changes
  • Some reports of clunking. I haven't had any clunking noises, but some creaking when going off-road. The creaking is probably normal while KDSS is operating. 
  • Some reports of leaning to one side. 
If you are leasing a 4Runner, KDSS may not be a big deal. KDSS will improve trade-in and resale value because the option is uncommon at the dealerships in my area. 

27 May 2018

Squeaking Garage Door Help

Does anyone know why my garage door squeaks? I replaced the rollers which were definitely worn and the bearings were making a grinding noise. I lubed all the metal hinges, springs, and new rollers but the door still squeaks.

The door is quiet when it is coming up, but squeaks loudly coming down. It's not constant but alternates between quiet and loud squeaking.

My next step is to change the hinges and see if that works.

13 April 2018

BMW E90/92 Brake Job Must Read

If you change your BMW brake pads and/or rotors, you must change both wear sensors at the same time. The BMW will trigger a brake wear warning if you only replace one sensor. I learned this the hard way.

I replaced my rear rotors and brake pads with Zimmerman Z-Coat and StopTech. For the brake sensor, I used a non-OEM brand named Bowa. Huge mistake. The Bowa sensors are one-third the price of OEM sensors for a reason. They have almost no shielding for the wire that plugs into the brake pads that rubs against your suspension causing breaks and fraying. I cannot recommend buying OEM brake sensors enough because the entire wire is protected. 

I'm certain that changing the rear brake sensor only tripped the warning light, but lets say I changed both sensors at one time. The light still would have triggered because the Bowa wires were frayed after a couple of drives. 

Please save yourself the headache and change all brake pads, rotors, and sensors at once and do a reset. It will save you the time of taking everything apart again.

Apparently the BMW computer measures the wear at both sensors at the same time. If one changes but the other is the same it triggers the brake warning light. 

01 April 2018

Toyota 4Runner Rear Differential Fluid Change Tips

I performed the 30,000 mile rear differential service on my 5th Generation 4Runner and here are some tips.

  • Fill and drain plug size is 24mm. I highly suggest a shallow socket since the sway bar is in the way of the fill plug. 
    • Removing the spare tire allows the best access. I recommend this because the spare will be in the way for filling.
  • 36 ft/lbs torque for fill and drain plug. This is the first time I serviced the rear diff. and the plugs were extremely over torqued. I used a breaker bar to break the torque. 
  • 75w-90 Red line oil is what I chose. This oil can be used in the 4Runner's transfer case and front differential. I used a little over 3 quarts so I recommend buying the gallon package
  • Buy the gasket kit for transfer and differential service. It's easier than hunting gasket part numbers and quantity. 
  • It's going to get messy and differential fluid stinks. Wear old clothes that you can throwaway after the job and have plenty of cardboard or absorbent to soak up spilled oil. 
It's a simple job, just remember to remove the fill plug first and then the drain plug. The oil from the factory turned dark grey, almost black and there was a ton of gunk on the magnetic drain plug. I am really glad I changed this out and filled it with Red Line oil. 

18 March 2018

Annihilation Explained

The internet is abuzz with Annihilation theories, manbearpig, and interpretations. Even the media can't explain the ending but it's so simple. Spoilers ahead.

Lena (Natalie Portman) eye's shimmer at the end because she is happy her husband is a clone and doesn't fully know the past. Lena can continue her affair with Daniel without feeling guilt so that's why she hugged Oscar. Maybe both their eyes shimmer because they can have threesomes.

DNA in the shimmer is thrown into a blender. It's possible that Lena acquired that lesbian DNA from that girl that wanted to kill the team. Her eyes shimmer brightly at the possibility of having a hetero and homosexual relationship.

There is a theory that the lighthouse scene is a lie by Lena. Then explain why the guy in the hazmat suit tells Lena they investigated the sight hours before and it's all ashes.

I thought the movie was super dumb and tried to hard to become the next Inception with multiple interpretations.

BMW B58 Lifespan?

The BMW B58 engine has a heat management system which encapsulates heat for up to 36 hours. My question is does this system reduce engine and cooling component life compared to the N55? It's too soon to tell but I want to know if faster warm up and better emissions means shorter engine lifespan.

04 March 2018

Window insulation film is worth it

Yes, window insulation film is absolutely worth it when it comes to saving money on electricity bills and home comfort.

I have seen many questions from home owners asking if insulating your windows with film works. It does. The difference is noticeable after the film is installed and it's not as drafty or cold in the winter. I have saved hundreds of dollars each year in utility bills due to this simple and easy solution.

Add blinds and heavy curtains for even more insulation and savings. All that material and dead air increases the R value and reduces the hot or cold air entering the rooms. After installing, put your hand where the insulation film is and feel how cold that air is. Without the curtains and film that cold air would be circulating around your house.

One caveat is film only minimizes the amount of loss. It's not a silver bullet. I have seen some reviewers that are disappointed with the film, but they don't recognize that it doesn't keep your room warm without heating in the Winter. It only reduces the amount of times you have to use your furnace and helps stabilize room temperature.

Installing insulating film is easy.
  • Measure your window and add 1 inch to the dimensions.
  • Cut the film to the measured dimensions
  • Place double sided tape around window frame
  • Install film and use hairdryer to shrink fit to window
3M sells a kit for patio doors and regular sized windows, but I think the duck brand works best if you are trying to cover up huge windows. 

I personally went with Duck Brand and I am very happy. There is plenty of double sided tape and lots of material. It's fairly forgiving to use and the only thing I recommend is having the film be tight, otherwise there will be excess material. 

23 February 2018

Iris von Everc

Wow. That missing in Heart of Stone is so well done and creepy.

Leading up to the caretaker and walking into the house as Iris says 'begone'. I was also unsettled when Geralt walks upstairs and Iris pops out of the painting.

Well done CD Projekt Red.

20 February 2018

Stoner Invisible Glass Cleaner - Not A Great Deal on Amazon

Amazon sells Insivible Glass Cleaner, 22 oz, 6 pack around ~$27.
  • $4.50 per 22 oz bottle
  • Each ounce costs $0.21

The 32 oz 6 bottle pack is ~$30 on Amazon.
  • $5.00 per 32 oz bottle
  • Each ounce costs $0.16

Assuming you have Prime and get 5% back using the Visa card, the price becomes $25.65 for the 22 ounce pack, and $28.50 for the 32 ounces. That doesn't include sales tax, if applicable. 

Home Depot is selling one 32 ounce, Invisible Glass bottle at $3.97. Six of those will cost $23.82 before taxes. You could factor gas, vehicle, and credit card cash back rewards, but Home Depot still beats Amazon. Especially when comparing their 32 ounce price versus 22 ounces sold on Amazon. 

If you prefer Hope's Perfect Glass, Amazon is selling their 32 ounce automotive version for a staggering $15.52. That is $0.49 per ounce! The regular 32 ounce glass cleaner is going for $7.60. 
Home Depot is selling the exact same 32 ounce bottle for $3.97.

You may have been a good deal Amazon, but buying local is so much cheaper. 

19 February 2018

How to stop wall anchors from spinning and rotating

Trying to get a wall anchor from spinning while installing a screw is frustrating but I found a solution.

Sometimes the plastic anchor is too long and will not go all the way into the wall. Using dykes to cut off the end allows the anchor to embed itself and be flush with the wall. 

If the anchor still spins, use superglue on the threads and part of the anchor that sticks into the wall. This will prevent the anchor from rotating while you install the screw. 

I tried this technique and it worked after installing rods into the wall to hang curtains. I was extremely frustrated with anchors not going all the way in and churning up my drywall. I tried to hold the anchor still with tools while installing the screw, but ultimately superglue works the best. 

07 February 2018

Ring Doorbell Review - It Sucks

Oh Ring doorbell, how I hate you.

It's a clever idea and sounds amazing on paper being able see and speak to people at your door while you are away. However, the Ring sucks. Badly.

I have gone through two Ring doorbells and both have lots of problems.

Wi-Fi is always dropped and I have to take it apart and reinitialize it to our router. Our router is two five feet away from Ring and we have super fast internet. If Wi-Fi is working, it takes forever for the app to load what the camera is showing and the person ringing your doorbell has already walked away.

Ring doesn't know if it's bright or dark outside and will alternate between night vision and regular mode. Open the app during daytime and it's blinding because Ring is using night vision and you can't toggle between the two. Someone rings your doorbell at night and you can't see anything because Ring is stuck in daytime mode.

The App is atrocious. Absolutely terrible. They constantly update the app but the only major feature added is advertisements and get money for referring friends crap.

Freezes a lot and doesn't know what to do. App or doorbell freezes and doesn't know what to do so you can't connect and see who is at the door. Ring freaks out at Halloween and will reset it's configuration. A blue light will circle the button until you take it off and do a hard reset.

Costs money to record after a free month trial. Not worth it, reason below.

Camera and audio is terrible. Unless somebody is standing right in front of the camera you will not be able to make out anything more than a few feet. Past that range and everything is really blurry and you can't make out a license plate or anything. The audio is terrible with lots of echoing and static. With poor audio visual why would I want to spend money on recording something that is terrible?

Costs more than a single Google Nest Camera with poorer capabilities and video. So what am I really getting? I hope Ring can really step it up and improve their product and app because I can't recommend their doorbell to anyone. I hope their are more competitors will better products coming because it's overpriced crap.

03 February 2018

Weird Witcher 3 Bug - Unable to Save or Move

I was unable to save or move after completing the Possession quest. I tried reloading from an earlier checkpoint but it was still bugged after completing the quest. 

Enemy NPCs won't ignore me and I wasn't able to attack them. The only way I could get around but jumping and using WASD. 

The solution to fix the bug is to find a marker and move to a different map and meditate for several hours. You should be able to save and normally move now. 

27 January 2018

Google Nest for Cheap With Rebates

I got a Google Nest thermostat for nearly free due to rebates and Amazon Prime 5% cash back.

Depending on how much your gas and electricity company, you can pay significantly less than the $245 price Amazon usually charges.
  • Wait until Next 3rd generation price drops to $199. This happen every two to three months for a very short time. 
  • Gas company rebates are around $50, depending on your location, and $50 - $100 for electric companies. 
  • 5% cash back for Amazon Prime credit cards. 
Combine all of these for serious savings and convenience of having a smart thermostat and unbeatable customer service.